Public Facing Protective Services
Public Facing Protective Services
When your life is not producing the kinds of successes you either once produced with a single intention, inspiration, or idea or that you planned carefully without challenges, your life has become overshadowed by the kinds of conditions that intend to block your capacities to thrive.
Thriving is a requirement to living your Best Life. If you are not thriving, you are losing your zest for life, your potential to fulfill your Divine Purpose, and your drive.
When this begins, there are subtle signs. It usually begins with ongoing "endings."
Endings result from the kinds of energetic conditions that intend that you fail ⎯ at everything.
If you sense this is happening to you, you have likely been cursed, targeted energetically, and you likely have a series of conditions that must be removed immediately.
If you are uncertain as to whether this is the best PROGRAM for you today - please use the form below to ask us to ask THE DIVINE on your behalf if this is the best PROGRAM for you right now.
When someone targets you - whether to win a competitive match, or to outrank you in the workplace; whether to over-power you or to minimize your freedoms, choice, or circles of friends you may have these metaphysical conditions upon your lifetime.
If your ancestral lineage has been targeted at any time in history, it is overshadowed by these kinds of "intentions," and the harm intended by any intention is carried out by very specific Entities.
If you have had a dispute, if someone became irritated, frustrated, or worse - angry with you, your business, your employee, or your family, you may have these kinds of harmful conditions affecting your lifetime.
Being targeted isn't something most of us are aware of until our life has begun to "fail" in various areas.
Nearly every person we have ever worked on behalf of has been overcome with significant kinds of targeted affects, causing their lifetime to be harmed.
Whether you have encountered the annual Flu, Bronchial, Pneumonia, RSV, or other viral or bacterial illnesses or you have survived a threatening disease or symptomatic condition ⎯ Entity conditions precede every illness, accident, injury, trauma, financial loss, wealth depletion, domestic or any kind of dispute, separation or divorce, real estate problems, home repairs, mildew, rot, and utility failures.
Entity conditions may take the form of Thought Forms, or other kinds of non-verbal, non-corporeal, or "Other-Than" kinds of non-physical, or non-local, or non-present entity conditions.
"Other-Than" entities are the kind that "live" within a person's organ-fields, organs, intestines, lymph, cells, tissue, and other areas of the physical body.
It's time to end what Entity conditions bring to you, your household, and your life.
Regardless of when you experienced trauma - whether your trauma would rank on the scale of 1 or 10, it leaves resonant marks and unwell energetic conditions behind.
The trauma may seem nebulous to you or perhaps to others who are aware of it, however, when trauma of any kind occurs, the resonance of it is palpable to all energetic conditions that rally around every kind of traumatic experience - whether you or anyone would rank it on the Trauma Scale.
When trauma has not been removed from the Energy Body, it has a way of attracting more of the same resonance ⎯ which means that it may attract more conditions that vibrate similarly to the condition that caused, or became, or that followed the actual traumatic event(s).
If you have endured multiple trauma events, you have incurred traumatic resonant episodic events.
Every aspect of your Physical and Energy Body is Healed, Cleared, Resolved, Restored, and Restituted with this DIVINE RESONANCE PROGRAM. This DRP is prescriptive and personalized for each person included in the work.
Throughout your lifetime, you likely encountered many different types of energetic conditions. If you have, your DIVINELY CREATED PERSONAL LIFETIME INCARNATE PLAN (DC-PLIP) required experiential encounters with various kinds of entity- spirit- being- and other-realm conditions.
When this is the case, you will likely require an immediate and 100% Resolution, Restoration, Restitution, Healing, and Clearing of your physical and energy body.
When these are fulfilled eternally, THE DIVINE begins the manifestation phases. Throughout the manifestation phases, you may begin to notice that your body looks healthier, perhaps more youthful - if this is what you intended within your DC-PLIP.
Once THE DIVINE “eternally” fulfills the entire work of this DIVINE RESONANCE PRESCRIPTIVE HEALING PROGRAM, a sustainable and maintainable pathway toward your 100% Prime Health, 100% Life Safety, 100% Sovereignty, and your 100% Best Life.
When this pathway is established, all other aspects of your entire lifetime begin aligning to your DIVINELY CREATED PERSONAL LIFETIME INCARNATE PLAN.
If you are wondering about your DIVINELY CREATED PERSONAL LIFETIME INCARNATE PLAN, please ask your Practitioner if it is possible to receive DIVINE MESSAGES about it prior to the work being fulfilled.
This DIVINE RESONANCE PRESCRIPTIVE PROGRAM restores your life in the way you intended it be prior to incarnating
Prior to incarnating into this lifetime, your DIVINE SOURCE INCARNATING ENLIGHTENED ENERGY worked with THE DIVINE to understand the details of this lifetime, learn every detail so that you could understand how your DIVINE PURPOSE was supposed to be fulfilled, and in this state of DIVINE ENLIGHTENMENT you understood exactly what was required to fulfill your DIVINE PURPOSES, DIVINE INTENTIONS, DIVINE GOALS, AND DIVINE OUTCOMES.
Understanding these details resulted in you fully understanding the need to have the experiences you have experienced throughout your lifetime. Each DIVINE INTENTION required learning experiences, and they required certain exposures to entities, beings, and spirit-realm conditions that created contextual understandings related to your DIVINE INTENTIONS, DIVINE PURPOSES, DIVINE GOALS.
As these conditions created very specific experiential events throughout your lifetime, you learned how to perform the skills required to fulfill your DIVINE PURPOSES, DIVINE INTENTIONS, and DIVINE GOALS.
THE DIVINE made very specific DIVINE PROMISES, DIVINE PROCLAMATIONS, DIVINE DECISIONS, AND DIVINE PROTECTIONS so that your lifetime experiences were exactly the way you intended them to be.
When your DIVINELY INTENDED experiential phases are fulfilled, you intended to be restored to your DIVINELY CREATED PERSONAL LIFETIME INCARNATE PLAN (DC-PLIP).
In restoring and aligning your lifetime to your DC-PLIP, THE DIVINE intended to begin the manifestation phases that eternally restores your lifetime to its 100% Prime Health, 100% Lifetime Safety, 100% Sovereignty, and 100% Best Life.
These are some of the conditions that are with the majority of our clients in 2024.
The list below offers an example of the work we are performing on behalf of our clients in 2024.
Though our Founder has been practicing professionally since 1992, post-COVID, post-RSV, and post-recurrent-PNEUMONIA conditions represent approximately 98% of the conditions represented globally from 2018 - 2024.
Some of the DIVINE RESTITUTIONS we list below become overshadowed consequentially as a result of the services they provide ⎯ then as they fulfill their services to those next in line, contaminations occur which cause the viral spread of entity conditions.
This list is not a comprehensive list of our services, however, it provides an idea of our expertise.
THE DIVINE REALM eternally DIVINELY RESTITUTES - which is to eternally resolve and end - each condition that a client has with them when they come to us for healing, or for the manifestation of something in their life.
Every person's DIVINELY CREATED PERSONAL LIFETIME INCARNATE PLAN provides the exact method and timing of each person's eternal DIVINE RESTITUTION - regardless of who your Practitioner is.
Please use our CONTACT US page to inquire about our services.
THE DIVINE provides all DIVINE HEALING, all DIVINE RESOLUTIONS, every DIVINE RESTORATION, and eternally DIVINELY RESTITUTES every essence of every condition that is present, or is consequentially affected, every aspect of the past, present, and future so that once your work is eternally DIVINELY RESTITUTED, there is no longer the existence of any condition.
Intuitive Medical Healing
Energy & Entity Conditions
Ancestral & Other Lineage Healing
Land & Property
Life Challenges
Fire & Electric Trauma
Physical Harm - by Entities or by People
Sexual Criminal Acts - by People or Entities
Entity Stalking: Psychically, Mind-Generated Effects, Perpetrators Masked or Cloaked, Speaking or Not
Criminal Vandalism by Entities or People: Including Planting, Implanting, Injecting, Resulting in Intrusions of the Planes, Fields, Spaces, Hidden-Places, and GOD-LEVEL-SPACES of the victim’s Mind & Vision, Mental & Spirit, Physical & Etheric Template
Curse-like Metaphysical Targeting of Family Members, Elderly Family, some Resulting in Death Events
Physical & Entity Trauma
Curse, Spell, Charm, Hex, Vex, Hoodoo, Voodoo, Intentions, and All Metaphysical Conditions
Overshadowing, Overlording, Overcasting
Overtaking of the Planes - Fields - Spaces - Hidden-Places - GOD-LEVEL-SPACES, and other Energy Body Assets, Physical Body Assets
DIVINE REALM Protective Services
Family Violence
Stalking - by People or by Entities
Criminal Activity - by Entities or by People
Disease - Illness - Syndromes - Episodic Conditions
Vehicular Entity Intrusions: Car, RV, All Motorized Transportation, Motorcycles, Boats, Planes, and Bicycles, Hoverboards, Scooters, and Other Recreational Forms of Transportation
Intuitive Medical Healing
Energy & Entity Conditions
Ancestral & Other Lineage Healing
Land & Property
Life Challenges
Fire & Electric Trauma
Physical Harm - by Entities or by People
Sexual Criminal Acts - by People or Entities
Entity Stalking: Psychically, Mind-Generated Effects, Perpetrators Masked or Cloaked, Speaking or Not
Criminal Vandalism by Entities or People: Including Planting, Implanting, Injecting, Resulting in Intrusions of the Planes, Fields, Spaces, Hidden-Places, and GOD-LEVEL-SPACES of the victim’s Mind & Vision, Mental & Spirit, Physical & Etheric Template
Curse-like Metaphysical Targeting of Family Members, Elderly Family, some Resulting in Death Events
Physical & Entity Trauma
Curse, Spell, Charm, Hex, Vex, Hoodoo, Voodoo, Intentions, and All Metaphysical Conditions
Overshadowing, Overlording, Overcasting
Overtaking of the Planes - Fields - Spaces - Hidden-Places - GOD-LEVEL-SPACES, and other Energy Body Assets, Physical Body Assets
DIVINE REALM Protective Services
Family Violence
Stalking - by People or by Entities
Criminal Activity - by Entities or by People
Disease - Illness - Syndromes - Episodic Conditions
Vehicular Entity Intrusions: Car, RV, All Motorized Transportation, Motorcycles, Boats, Planes, and Bicycles, Hoverboards, Scooters,
Intrusions within In-Home Water, at Every Source
Local Utilities Companies Services Overshadowed at Every Source, Every Delivery Point
In-Home and Atmospheric Power Sources Overshadowing
Medical Establishments, Hospitals, Emergency Care Centers, Surgical Centers, Embryo and Sperm Banks, and Services that Freeze, Store, or Maintain Supplies of Life Giving, Life Saving, and Tissue Preservation Services, Distribution Centers, Transportation Systems, and Those Involved in Fulfilling Their Services, Procedures, and in Protecting Their Properties
Local Electrical, Gas, and Sewage Services Overshadowed at Every Source, Every Delivery Point
Local Garbage Removal and Recycling Removal Companies and Their Services - Overshadowed as Homes with Entity Invasion Dispose of Cleaning Wipes, Vacuum Debris, and Personal Products
Entity Conditions Resulting From All Involved Entities in Every Person’s, Corporation’s, Business’, or Government’s Property, Interests, and on Behalf of Every Person Who Was Affected
Entity Overshadowing, Harboring Power Supplies, which Provides for the Usage of In-Home Electrical, Plumbing, Sewage, HVAC - and all other Electrically Sourced Appliances
Gray, Clear, BrownWater, Septic, Sewage, and Disposed Liquids (Attract and Provide Sources of Power for Entities of Biological Conditions-Contamination)
All In-Home, Garage, Out-Buildings and Exterior Doorways, Thresholds and Transitions, Windows, Walkways, Sidewalks, Lot Lines, Fence Lines, Private Back of Home, Restaurant, Hotel, and Other Establishments’ Private Roadways
All Rotting, Mildewing, Molding, Unusual Water Damage, Gases, Bio-related Off-gassing, Chemical Off-gassing, Cleaners, Aerosol and non-Aerosol Sprays and the Areas, Persons, Food, Clean Utensils, Clothing, Articles of Use, Equipment, Flooring, Carpeting, Surfaces Where a Person’s Skin Makes Contact, and Upon Which these Contaminants Settle
Environmental Off-gassing, Jet Fuel Off-gassing, Power Plant, Dump Grounds, Sewage Removal, and Utility Providers, Portable Toilet Buildings, and Other Similar Off-gassing and the People, Areas, Homes, Schools, Buildings, Structures, Land, Water, and Automobiles upon which Particles, Biological Matter, and Off-gassing Elements Settle
Air Quality, Oxygen, and Other Atmospheric Gases - Establishing Systems for Eternal DIVINE RESTITUTION ⎯ Environmental Gasoline, Petroleum, Jet Fuel, Exhaust from All Motorized Vehicles, including that which Occurs in War, Construction, War-like Events, Military Practice Zones, Protective Fly-over Areas, including Protective Military Services
DIVINE RESTITUTION of Conditions that Result in Harmful Entity Establishments and the Resonant Entity Conditions that are Instantly Involved
DIVINE RESTITUTION of Entity Usage of All of the Above, including Electrical Power Created by Marinas, Mass Boating Areas, Coastal Shorelines, Sea Shores, Coastal Embankments, Major Tributaries, Rivers, Underground Water Lines - Ley Lines - Black Water Lines
DIVINE RESONANCE COVID, RSV PNEUMONIA, FLU, RESPIRATORY CONDITIONS PREVENTION PROGRAMS - DIVINELY ETERNALLY RESTITUTES Long Term COVID, Episodic COVID, RSV, Pneumonia, Lung & Respiratory Infections Conditions, Residual Effects, Entity Effects, and Episodic Conditions
DIVINE ETERNAL RESTITUTION for Religious, Church, Cult, Domestic, Family Abuse, Whether Long-term or One time
DIVINE ETERNAL RESTITUTION on Behalf of those Who Received Training in the Fields of Medical, Wellness, Health, Energy Healing, Shamanic Healing, Shamanic Practice, Massage, Naturopathic, Immunological Healing, Homeopathic Healing, and any Training that Supports Psychological, Mental, Mind, or Emotional Healing, Improved Function or Performance
DIVINE RESTITUTION for Each Assistant, Apprentice, Intern, Client, and Support Personnel
DIVINE RESTITUTION for all COVID Responders, First Responders, Medical Personnel, non-Medical Personnel, Complimentary Arts Practitioners, and Every Person Who Engaged in Any “Life Betterment” Service, Product, or was Associated in Any Way Throughout the Pre-COVID, COVID, and Current post-COVID Pandemic
Highly Visible Personas & Celebrity Protections - Lifetime Healing High Wealth Protections •