My Guiding Philosophies

  • Treat each person in the way I would want to be treated, the way I would want my mother, my father, my brother, my wife, my children and my grandchildren to be treated.
  • Keep my client, their family, and those who are also receiving support in the work, as it relates to the client’s personal work, in the company of The Divine during their healing, their resolutions, their restorations and their renewal.
  • Treat each affected and effected in the highest most perfected, protected, and blessed-by-God manner, effecting what is personally best for each who are being addressed, what is needed so that they are forever resolved of that which is negatively effecting the client, healing, restoring, renewing so that they also are on the path to their perfected, protected, potentiated, most abundantly blessed Best Life, Health, and Life Safety.
  • On behalf of everyone who has been or will be addressed as the result of our session: 
    • Restore what was taken, what was lost, what was never supposed to be harmed, taken, or conditioned, so that they all and each are on the path to their perfected, protected, potentiated, most abundantly blessed Best Life, Health, and Life Safety.
  • I will remain kind, patient, and open about the work, about the needs of each person being addressed, respectful of their entire self, their choices, and the causes or origins of the conditions they are resolving.
  • I will always remain free of judgement – in every session, with every person or whomever, whatever, or any who are being addressed in a session.
  • I will always report to the proper authorities any form of neglect, harm, abuse if it occurs to anyone. When any such occurrence involves a minor, a handicapped person, a disabled person, someone who cannot defend themselves because of a personal condition, or when there is psychic obsession, psychic abuse, psychic spying, other kinds of spiritual abuse, etheric violations, or anything that is similar.
These forms of abuse are unfortunately common today, they are being prosecuted, and they will be reported if I discover them or if I am shown, told, or caused to come to know that they exist with my client.

Schedule a Session With Me



I founded and operate my award-winning practice upon these personal principles. It is my intention and my promise (to):
  • Be guided, driven, and pursue on your behalf, that which is in your highest, best, most potentiated, perfected, protected, most abundantly blessed and God-held Best Life, Health, and Life Safety… this is in alignment with your intention, your Best Life Incarnate Intention by The Divine Realm – Who Are – God Who is Source, which is Source Light, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, the Archangels
  • That I believe and practice in alignment with Divine Love, Divine Kindness and Always, Sincerity, Truth in Context, without trauma, is required in my work with you, that your Divine Sovereignty Matters, and that The Divine Realm will forever hold these as the highest intentions
  • Our work values everyone who is affected by it, each are protected by Those of The Divine Realm,
  • Consistently practice mindfulness and other-conscious-ness for everyone, for all, for any affected by the work
  • Communicate with contextual meaning, kind-ness, with words that clearly convey the resolution, any healing, and any restoration – whether in a face-to-face session, a phone session, or a Remote Session via Email
  • Always providing, communicating, and effecting the highest levels of respect through every connection and communication
  • Authentic kindness, genuine care and respect, and timely responsive communications
  • Always be transparent, trustworthy, and honest
  • Intentions for excellence in all aspects of the work and throughout every connection and communication

Schedule a Session With Me

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  • Client in Tokyo
    I am feeling better today (I slept through the night for the first time in - I can’t even remember the last time I slept through the night). I am grateful for everything you have done for me. I am much, much better, freer, saner, and happier now than I was before I started working with you. Sheri is the kindest person I’ve ever met. She has helped me where other healers could not, or would not. Chronic migraines are gone. My sense of self is restored. I never even imagined my life could be this joyful. Thank you, Sherí. Thank you so, so very much. So much love and gratitude.
    Client in Tokyo
  • HK
    Sheri’ has helped me through multiple complex issues. She not only has helped me, but my whole family. She has also been helping a family member who was given a grim cancer diagnosis of only months to live. Two years later he is doing much better! Sheri’ is my go to healer for everything in my life! I’m so grateful for her!
  • Q
    I have worked with Sheri through remote sessions which have been very transformative. I had been through a traumatic experience and Sheri was there to help me heal and unravel all the confusion and illusions. I have recovered from this experience and I am no longer defined by what happened. For that alone I’m forever grateful. Sheri is a compassionate, non-judgemental healer who knows her craft well. There is never any pressure to do more than what you want to do and you always have choice.
    Toronto, Canada
  • R.P.
    Sheri's strong connection with spirit, her innovative, outside-the-box approach, and her ability to detangle the complex situations that tend to arise in people's dealings with the spirit world make her a gifted healer. She has helped me break through obstacles and see my way forward and has brought me much healing.
  • Denise Paulette
    Sheri is a gifted, compassionate healer. Her connections with her helping spirits is so strong and deep. Her work on my behalf helped me heal from a burden I had carried my whole life. Her ability to work with her helping spirits to explore deeply in non-ordinary reality for lasting healing takes commitment and a life of service for the greater good. I truly appreciate and am grateful for her craft! Thank you Sheri!
    Denise Paulette
  •  V.M.
    I have been working with Sheri for the past year. Sheri is extremely knowledgeable about the various realms and her guidance and healing have been enormously useful to me. In addition to being very competent as a [practitioner - added for clarity] guide, Sheri is also very kind, compassionate and has great respect for the non-ordinary realms and helping spirits. Sheri has been my personal Shaman [...practitioner - added for clarity] as well as my mentor as I train in this ancient healing modality. Sheri also makes beautiful rattles that are personally designed for you and imbued with spirit designed especially to help you. I am deeply grateful to her for all her help and guidance.
    California, USA
  • Sarah M.
    My sessions with Sheri' have been cleansing and transformative! Pieces of me felt energetically stuck, chaotic and very unclear and she was able to lift it out and move it along. I could feel a great shift within my body energetically. I'm grateful for her healing abilities and her clear communication and commentary during the sessions so I knew what was I was feeling in the moment. Thank you!
    Sarah M.
  • Suzanne S.
    Working with Sheri for several years was life-changing for me. She held a beautiful and powerful container for me to succeed in my deepest soul work. Sheri is a masterful guide and guardian. She is a perfect mirror to reflect my power and magnificence back to me. I can now really behold my true spirit. This is a game-changer in my healing journey. Sheri assisted me in finding my way along a deeply healing journey. She has a vast array of expertise, tools, and skills. She shepherded me to find my sovereignty and stand firm in it. Her work empowered me to trust myself and my own potent medicine. She truly walked me home to myself. I am now a more whole and healed version of myself. This is the rendition of myself and my life that I had been yearning for. I have the deepest gratitude and highest regard for Sheri and her sacred work.
    Suzanne S.
    Nokesville, VA
  • RM
    For me, Sheri’s healing skills have ‘refreshed the parts that other healers cannot reach,’ to paraphrase an old beer advert! Right from the first session, Sheri was able to reach back and facilitate the healing of dysfunctions in my energy field right at their origin; I have been amazed and thrilled to watch lifelong negative patterns simply fall away. I can attest to the fact that these healings really have been permanent. Also, Sheri’s feedback has given me a big picture overview as to why certain things in my life have been the way they have, and what purpose these conditions have served. Not only that, but Sheri has such integrity that you know you are in safe and trustworthy hands.
    Manchester, UK
  • Paulette H.
    It gives me great pleasure to write a testimonial for Sheri Taber as I consider her a master level teacher, an honorable mentor, a lighted being on earth and a loving friend. We met several years ago at an advanced training on Shamanic Practice. Working side by side with her in ceremony was a truly gifting experience for me. Without question, what I learned and shared with Sheri over those years is immeasurable spiritual knowledge I will take with me forever. Going forward since, I have found Sheri to be a direct connector to Source. Her ability for channeling spirit is deeply profound and has been extremely helpful to me and to so many others. The clearing work I received personally, has been literally life-changing and lifesaving. I cannot say enough about Sheri's talent. Her authentic practice, her level of understanding of the information she receives and her genuineness for loving all beings, makes her a unique Practitioner worthy of praise. In my opinion, I see Sheri as a higher level being sent to earth in this life to do the work of the Angels and Masters. It is precisely the work we need to learn and live by and feel blessed to have had the opportunity to experience her gift. I am forever in her gratitude. Thank you, Sheri
    Paulette H.
  • K.S.
    Sessions with Sherí helped me to exit a New Age cult and to regain my soul. Through monthly sessions with her I now feel reconnected to my past and have reconnected with old friends and family members. My work life is better, and I no longer have food allergies. I am so grateful to her for helping me to reconnect to joy and meaning in life. This in spite of it being the year of coronavirus and a year with so many difficulties. I feel that she has put the foundation back under my feet and helped me to regain trust in life. I highly recommend sessions with Sherí
  • Jean S.
    Thank you, Sheri for your work today! I noticed a big, immediate shift in how I am feeling, for the better. I feel restored and renewed! Thank you again, I have a deep sense of trust for you and your work. With gratitude,
    Jean S.

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Services Offered

Energy Healing Arts LLC and our Practitioners offer a full array of energetic healing services. Each Folder below contains the kinds of related services we offer. There is no way to list every kind of condition that we are able to resolve. If your condition or need is not listed here, please Contact Us Here

Energy Clearing - People, Animals, Places, Structures, Land, Things, More


  • Scanning Your Energy Body, Physical Body, or Home - Clear All Conditions
  • Resolve Entire Energy & Physical Body & Etheric Template & Auric, Astral Fields, Chakras, Organ Fields, More
  • Ancestral Lineage and Descendant Protection, Healing, Clearing
  • Ancestral Conditions That Result From Harm of Multi-Lingual, Multi-Logistical, Multi-Level, Multi-Reunion, Multi-National Conditions
  • Resolve All Forms of Energetic Conditions • Resolve Fields, Field Entities, Field Intentions • Field Conditions
  • Resolve All Intentions • Old Thought Which Has Collected Within Spaces in Your Place, Space, or Life
  • Thought Form Resolution • End Thoughts That Harm, Thoughts That Block Your Intentions
  • Home: Clear Each Member, Pets, Animals, Old Energetic Conditions
  • Home: Clear What Causes Mold, Deterioration, Vortex Conditions, Ley Line Conditions, Old Land Conditions
  • Resolve Your Residential Energetic Conditions - Daily: Corners, Under the Home - even if you have a cement foundation; Grounding Daily, End Targeting of People's Intentions, Spirit-level or Etheric-Level Intentions, Environmental Conditions, Neighborhood Conditions, Neighbors' Intake of Medical Cannabis, Legal or Illegal Marijuana or Cannabis, Drugs, or known or unknown Loitering, Scanning Homes, or Drive-by Intentions That Can End


  • Unnatural Conditions
  • Lost Holdings
  • Property Losses
  • Divorce Conditions of Loss
  • Domestic Violence
  • Hate, Harm, Non-Violent Isolationism, Non-Violent Threats, Non-Violent Grooming, Non-Violent Intentions of Harm - Known or Not Known; Violence of Partner, Spouse, Child, or Parent, Abuse of Any Kind, Separation Work to Clear Harmful Energetic Conditions - Before and After Proceedings - Recent or Decades Old, For Your Children, Your Parents, or Yourself


  • Religious Conditions of Harm
  • Excommunications of Family From Religious Establishments
  • Religious Abuse
  • Old Religious Harm
  • Clear Your Life of Harm
  • Clear Entire Family System of Wounds Resulting From Religious Harm


  • Pet & Animals: Communication, Healing, & Wellness Sessions for Pet Children, Domestic and Non-Domestic Animals


  • Curse • Spell • Other Metaphysical Conditions Resolution
  • Intrusion, Overcasting, Overshadowing, Resolving Possessions of Anything
  • Scanning Your Energy Body, Physical Body, or Home - Clear All Conditions
  • Miracles • Manifestation Sessions • Restitutions • Health, Wealth, Lifetime Conditions, Restore What Has Been Lost, Taken, or Unretrievable
  • Resolve Overshadowings of One's Physical and Energy Body - these are the most frequently targeted areas:
    • Heart, Soul
    • Spirit, Lungs
    • Reproductive System
    • Renal System
    • Intestinal System
  • These Conditions Are Typically Caused by "Overshadowing Entities." These and Others Can Cause Serious Conditions - Including Disease, Depression, and Failure to Thrive of Any and All Members of a Family - These Conditions Are Very Serious, Coming in Second to the List Above:
    • Maternal or Paternal Instincts
    • Maternal or Paternal Kindnesses
    • Maternal or Paternal Intention to Deny Support
    • Maternal or Paternal Intention to Block Capacity and Ability to Thrive of Any Member of the Family


  • Energetic Support to Help Maintain Balance, Kindness, Love, and Support with the Marriage Intentions
  • Conscious Un-Partnering or Divorce Support - Protect Yourself From Energetic Targeting When You Are Ending - ANYTHING


  • Support for Those Experiencing End of Life Transition - resolve old wounds, curses and conditions that could follow one into the next Lifetime


  • Past Life Healing; Past Life Resolutions;
  • Past Life Conditions Cleared
  • Past Life Unresolved Curses, Spells, Intentions - Yours or Someone Else's Upon You
  • Miracles • Manifestation Sessions • Restitutions • Health, Wealth, Lifetime Conditions, Restore What Has Been Lost, Taken, or Unretrievable

Celebrity Status, Wealth Conditions, & Public Personas

  • Celebrity Status, Public Persona, High Profile - ALL Interests Protected, Cleared, and Maintained Daily
  • Celebrity: Growth of Your Status Requires Ongoing Clearing of Energetic Conditions that are Naturally Attracted to Wealth, Wealth Conditions, People Who Want Your - Attention, Money, Love, Kindness, more... Requires Routine Maintenance to Prevent Future Energetic Unwelcome Conditions
  • Celebrity: Growth Capacities in All Areas, Growth-Plans, Strategic Capital Assets Protected, Perfected, Potentiated by THE DIVINE REALM GOD, ARCHANGELS, JESUS, THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE HOLY TRINITY
  • Celebrity: Jealousy - can end a career; harm a person's integrity; end life... Abandonment of Friends - begins a new path to isolatory intentions, which can sideline a career
  • Celebrity: No Blocking of Growth Protections; Career Expansion; Growth without Hate; Growth without Harm, Resolve Lies, Old Lies, New Lies - which can result in ongoing possessions, intrusions, and spirit-level harm...
  • Celebrity: Resolve and Prevent ALL Jealousy - which can end a career, beget gossip that kills slowly, which can beget sabotage by others, closing doors, ending long-standing relationships; resolves old conditions, old issues, known or not known
  • Celebrity: Wrongful and Hate-level Targeting
  • Celebrity: Growth Expansion in Gifted Areas, Love, Family, Friends, Maintaining Established or New Boundaries for Safety,
  • Celebrity: Learn More About Your Personal Intentions for this Lifetime - including your Pre-Incarnate Intentions for Love, and Wealth; God's DIVINE Intentions for your 100% Perfected, Protected, and Potentiated Best Life, 100% Prime Health, and 100% Life Safety
  • Celebrity: High Wealth - Estates, Growth Plans, Energetic Protection From Targeting
  • Celebrity: Resolve ALL Public Conditions of Harm; Resolve All Conditions or Others Upon Your Business, Life, Family
  • Celebrity: Resolve ALL Threatening Conditions, Resolve Conditions Remaining From Past Offenses Upon You
  • Celebrity: Resolve Harm, Hate, Threats, Intentions, Causal Conditions Upon Your Body, Energy Body, More...
  • Celebrity: Resolve Pain, Challenges, Others' Intentions Upon You...
  • Celebrity: Remove All Old Intentions Upon Your Career
  • Celebrity: Receive a COMPLIMENTARY Assessment of Old, New, Current, Potential Threats, Harm, Hate, Harmful Intentions Upon You, Your Children, Your Family, Ancestral, Descendant, and your Expanded-Family
  • Sudden Wealth Status: The Sudden Onset of Wealth or The Desire For Sudden Wealth: This Condition of Status Must Always Be PRE-RESOLVED; PRE-MAINTAINED, IF IT HAS NOT, PLEASE SCHEDULE A SESSION TO LEARN MORE
  • Wealth Status: Protect, Clear Energetic Conditions From Your Homestead, Other Estates, International Real Estate, International or Domestic Properties, Wealth, Status, or Personas
  • Public Persona, High Profile, Longing to be High Profile, High Wealth, New Wealth, Old Wealth, Trust Fund Conditions - Cleared

Wealth Estates, Domestic, International, Large Farm, Large Family Owned Land, Estate, Trust, Private or Public, Acerage of War-Harmed Land... more...

Continuous Maintenance that Supports Real-time Resolution, Maintenance, and Sovereignty, Health, Life, Capacity to Thrive of Every Aspect and Essence of:

  • Large Holdings
  • Family Trusts
  • Estates and Old Family Wealth
  • Large Real Estate Transactions, Multiple Real Estate Properties, Large Domestic Estates, Large Internationally Held Estates
  • Overly Large Internationally Owned Estate Conditions
  • Large International Banking - Holdings, Trusts, Estates, Power Issues, Receivership, Transfers After Death
  • Old or Ancestral Lineage Businesses
  • Family Farms
  • Holdings and any other related land, buildings, family-owned, inherited, multi-family - siblings - lineages of family occupancy
  • Farm Holdings
  • Large Farm Animals
  • Clear, Resolve, Restitute, Maintain:
    • Equipment
    • Multiple Buildings
    • Resolve Ongoing Repairs
    • Issues with Rot
    • Termites
    • Deterioration
  • Country Acerage with Multi-Family Conditions in a Single Holding
    • Old Money
    • Old Connections To A Territory
    • War-Harmed Lands
    • Death of Military Grounds Cleared

Commercial Buildings, Public Holdings, Land, Land Masses, Communities, Country Boundry Lines, Shore Lines, Places of Mass Casualties, Large Bodies of Water, Ravines, More

Large to very small, lots, plots, unresolved disputes, energetic confluences, unrest due to historical, known, or unknown loss of life, building, land, public facility, golf courses, large commercial buildings, challenged land holdings, land near or adjacent to government-owned establishments, burial properties, commercial buildings, businesses, trauma sites, and more...

Thought Forms, Intentions That Kill, Other Thought-Based Harm

  • Resolve All Forms of Energetic Conditions • Resolve Fields, Field Entities, Field Intentions • Field Conditions
  • Resolve All Intentions, Thought Forms
  • End Thoughts That Harm, Thoughts That Block Your Intentions
  • End Thoughts That Harm, Thoughts That Block Your Intentions

Energy & Physical Body Clearing - Miracles Program

Our Practitioners Will Work With God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, The Holy Trinity, & The Archangels of THE DIVINE REALM - WHO ARE AND WHICH IS PURE SOURCE LIGHT - on behalf of every client who partakes in this program which is aimed to permanently resolve a serious, life-threatening condition. This program is focused upon those who believe they have experienced any of the following conditions:

  • Lifelong Medical Conditions In One to Three Sessions - In Most Cases
  • Sudden Onset of Disease States - These are approached by THE DIVINE REALM in the most delicate, most perfected methods. These are "MEDICAL MIRACLE" Healings
  • Long-term and often Lifetime Disorders, Conditions, Syndromes, Spectrum Conditions are treatable, sometimes permanently with the aid of God. When this is possible, we'll support your work in very guided, very facilitated ways by working directly with God.

When WE agree to accept a client with a condition that fits this "category," WE use very stringent, very strict, and very protected guidelines. There are many HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENTS, DISCLAIMERS, AND DISCLOSURES required to become a client under this very perfected, very protected, very miraculous program.

  • Energy Healing Arts LLC cannot make any claims, guarantees, nor promises of resolve, of healing, nor of restitution of health. We offer this program because Energy Healing works.

There may be times when a condition exists that we have no idea about, or a condition within your Personal Lifetime Incarnate Plan that we are not aware of, or other kinds of "Intentions" that may come to you while you are being supported by our Practitioners, or that could come to you once you are released; because there is no way to guarantee absolute health, sovereignty, nor the outcome of any treatment, please be aware THIS PROGRAM DOES NOT GUARANTEE HEALTH, HEALING, PERMANENCE OF HEALING, PERIODS OF HEALING. NOR LONGER HEALTH THAN YOU EXPECTED PRIOR TO APPLYING TO BE A PART OF THIS PROGRAM.

  • WE offer this program because God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, The Holy Trinity, The Archangels of God - WHO are ALL of THE DIVINE REALM, WHO Are ALL PURE SOURCE LIGHT - have urged us to offer this program. Only THEY can provide this kind of medical miracle. THEREFORE, THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO PROMISES, NO GUARANTEES, NO HINTS AT THOUGHTS OR NON-THOUGHTS THAT YOUR HEALTH MAY IMPROVE, MAY BECOME LESS STRESSFUL, OR THAT THERE IS EVEN A POSSIBILITY OF IMPROVEMENT.

COVID, ALL COVID-ic-ish Energetic Healing

  • Intuitive Medical Medium & Energetic Conditions Healer - Specializing in Resolving Covidic Intentions, Covidic Pain, Conditions Known & Not Yet Known
  • Residual Long-Covid-ic Conditions, Symptoms, Hate, Harm - which are symptomatic conditions post viral, bacterial, organ-related conditions - some are latent, some are manifesting with symptoms that are non-conforming to known conditions
  • Resolving Bodily Pain, Chronic Conditions, Phantom Conditions, Phantom Pain, Phantom Disorders
  • Covid leaves energetic conditions behind, whether in your Energy Body, Energy Field, or your Physical Body; these can emerge conditionally, suddenly, triggered by the intentions of others
  • Miracles • Manifestation Sessions • Health, Wealth, Lifetime Conditions, Restore What Has Been Lost, Taken, or Unretrievable

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Services Offered

Energy Healing Arts LLC and our Practitioners offer a full array of energetic healing services. Each Folder below contains the kinds of related services we offer. There is no way to list every kind of condition that we are able to resolve. If your condition or need is not listed here, please Contact Us Here

Energy Clearing - People, Animals, Places, Structures, Land, Things, More


  • Scanning Your Energy Body, Physical Body, or Home - Clear All Conditions
  • Resolve Entire Energy & Physical Body & Etheric Template & Auric, Astral Fields, Chakras, Organ Fields, More
  • Ancestral Lineage and Descendant Protection, Healing, Clearing
  • Ancestral Conditions That Result From Harm of Multi-Lingual, Multi-Logistical, Multi-Level, Multi-Reunion, Multi-National Conditions
  • Resolve All Forms of Energetic Conditions • Resolve Fields, Field Entities, Field Intentions • Field Conditions
  • Resolve All Intentions • Old Thought Which Has Collected Within Spaces in Your Place, Space, or Life
  • Thought Form Resolution • End Thoughts That Harm, Thoughts That Block Your Intentions
  • Home: Clear Each Member, Pets, Animals, Old Energetic Conditions
  • Home: Clear What Causes Mold, Deterioration, Vortex Conditions, Ley Line Conditions, Old Land Conditions
  • Resolve Your Residential Energetic Conditions - Daily: Corners, Under the Home - even if you have a cement foundation; Grounding Daily, End Targeting of People's Intentions, Spirit-level or Etheric-Level Intentions, Environmental Conditions, Neighborhood Conditions, Neighbors' Intake of Medical Cannabis, Legal or Illegal Marijuana or Cannabis, Drugs, or known or unknown Loitering, Scanning Homes, or Drive-by Intentions That Can End


  • Unnatural Conditions
  • Lost Holdings
  • Property Losses
  • Divorce Conditions of Loss
  • Domestic Violence
  • Hate, Harm, Non-Violent Isolationism, Non-Violent Threats, Non-Violent Grooming, Non-Violent Intentions of Harm - Known or Not Known; Violence of Partner, Spouse, Child, or Parent, Abuse of Any Kind, Separation Work to Clear Harmful Energetic Conditions - Before and After Proceedings - Recent or Decades Old, For Your Children, Your Parents, or Yourself


  • Religious Conditions of Harm
  • Excommunications of Family From Religious Establishments
  • Religious Abuse
  • Old Religious Harm
  • Clear Your Life of Harm
  • Clear Entire Family System of Wounds Resulting From Religious Harm


  • Pet & Animals: Communication, Healing, & Wellness Sessions for Pet Children, Domestic and Non-Domestic Animals


  • Curse • Spell • Other Metaphysical Conditions Resolution
  • Intrusion, Overcasting, Overshadowing, Resolving Possessions of Anything
  • Scanning Your Energy Body, Physical Body, or Home - Clear All Conditions
  • Miracles • Manifestation Sessions • Restitutions • Health, Wealth, Lifetime Conditions, Restore What Has Been Lost, Taken, or Unretrievable
  • Resolve Overshadowings of One's Physical and Energy Body - these are the most frequently targeted areas:
    • Heart, Soul
    • Spirit, Lungs
    • Reproductive System
    • Renal System
    • Intestinal System
  • These Conditions Are Typically Caused by "Overshadowing Entities." These and Others Can Cause Serious Conditions - Including Disease, Depression, and Failure to Thrive of Any and All Members of a Family - These Conditions Are Very Serious, Coming in Second to the List Above:
    • Maternal or Paternal Instincts
    • Maternal or Paternal Kindnesses
    • Maternal or Paternal Intention to Deny Support
    • Maternal or Paternal Intention to Block Capacity and Ability to Thrive of Any Member of the Family


  • Energetic Support to Help Maintain Balance, Kindness, Love, and Support with the Marriage Intentions
  • Conscious Un-Partnering or Divorce Support - Protect Yourself From Energetic Targeting When You Are Ending - ANYTHING


  • Support for Those Experiencing End of Life Transition - resolve old wounds, curses and conditions that could follow one into the next Lifetime


  • Past Life Healing; Past Life Resolutions;
  • Past Life Conditions Cleared
  • Past Life Unresolved Curses, Spells, Intentions - Yours or Someone Else's Upon You
  • Miracles • Manifestation Sessions • Restitutions • Health, Wealth, Lifetime Conditions, Restore What Has Been Lost, Taken, or Unretrievable

Celebrity Status, Wealth Conditions, & Public Personas

  • Celebrity Status, Public Persona, High Profile - ALL Interests Protected, Cleared, and Maintained Daily
  • Celebrity: Growth of Your Status Requires Ongoing Clearing of Energetic Conditions that are Naturally Attracted to Wealth, Wealth Conditions, People Who Want Your - Attention, Money, Love, Kindness, more... Requires Routine Maintenance to Prevent Future Energetic Unwelcome Conditions
  • Celebrity: Growth Capacities in All Areas, Growth-Plans, Strategic Capital Assets Protected, Perfected, Potentiated by THE DIVINE REALM GOD, ARCHANGELS, JESUS, THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE HOLY TRINITY
  • Celebrity: Jealousy - can end a career; harm a person's integrity; end life... Abandonment of Friends - begins a new path to isolatory intentions, which can sideline a career
  • Celebrity: No Blocking of Growth Protections; Career Expansion; Growth without Hate; Growth without Harm, Resolve Lies, Old Lies, New Lies - which can result in ongoing possessions, intrusions, and spirit-level harm...
  • Celebrity: Resolve and Prevent ALL Jealousy - which can end a career, beget gossip that kills slowly, which can beget sabotage by others, closing doors, ending long-standing relationships; resolves old conditions, old issues, known or not known
  • Celebrity: Wrongful and Hate-level Targeting
  • Celebrity: Growth Expansion in Gifted Areas, Love, Family, Friends, Maintaining Established or New Boundaries for Safety,
  • Celebrity: Learn More About Your Personal Intentions for this Lifetime - including your Pre-Incarnate Intentions for Love, and Wealth; God's DIVINE Intentions for your 100% Perfected, Protected, and Potentiated Best Life, 100% Prime Health, and 100% Life Safety
  • Celebrity: High Wealth - Estates, Growth Plans, Energetic Protection From Targeting
  • Celebrity: Resolve ALL Public Conditions of Harm; Resolve All Conditions or Others Upon Your Business, Life, Family
  • Celebrity: Resolve ALL Threatening Conditions, Resolve Conditions Remaining From Past Offenses Upon You
  • Celebrity: Resolve Harm, Hate, Threats, Intentions, Causal Conditions Upon Your Body, Energy Body, More...
  • Celebrity: Resolve Pain, Challenges, Others' Intentions Upon You...
  • Celebrity: Remove All Old Intentions Upon Your Career
  • Celebrity: Receive a COMPLIMENTARY Assessment of Old, New, Current, Potential Threats, Harm, Hate, Harmful Intentions Upon You, Your Children, Your Family, Ancestral, Descendant, and your Expanded-Family
  • Sudden Wealth Status: The Sudden Onset of Wealth or The Desire For Sudden Wealth: This Condition of Status Must Always Be PRE-RESOLVED; PRE-MAINTAINED, IF IT HAS NOT, PLEASE SCHEDULE A SESSION TO LEARN MORE
  • Wealth Status: Protect, Clear Energetic Conditions From Your Homestead, Other Estates, International Real Estate, International or Domestic Properties, Wealth, Status, or Personas
  • Public Persona, High Profile, Longing to be High Profile, High Wealth, New Wealth, Old Wealth, Trust Fund Conditions - Cleared

Wealth Estates, Domestic, International, Large Farm, Large Family Owned Land, Estate, Trust, Private or Public, Acerage of War-Harmed Land... more...

Continuous Maintenance that Supports Real-time Resolution, Maintenance, and Sovereignty, Health, Life, Capacity to Thrive of Every Aspect and Essence of:

  • Large Holdings
  • Family Trusts
  • Estates and Old Family Wealth
  • Large Real Estate Transactions, Multiple Real Estate Properties, Large Domestic Estates, Large Internationally Held Estates
  • Overly Large Internationally Owned Estate Conditions
  • Large International Banking - Holdings, Trusts, Estates, Power Issues, Receivership, Transfers After Death
  • Old or Ancestral Lineage Businesses
  • Family Farms
  • Holdings and any other related land, buildings, family-owned, inherited, multi-family - siblings - lineages of family occupancy
  • Farm Holdings
  • Large Farm Animals
  • Clear, Resolve, Restitute, Maintain:
    • Equipment
    • Multiple Buildings
    • Resolve Ongoing Repairs
    • Issues with Rot
    • Termites
    • Deterioration
  • Country Acerage with Multi-Family Conditions in a Single Holding
    • Old Money
    • Old Connections To A Territory
    • War-Harmed Lands
    • Death of Military Grounds Cleared

Commercial Buildings, Public Holdings, Land, Land Masses, Communities, Country Boundry Lines, Shore Lines, Places of Mass Casualties, Large Bodies of Water, Ravines, More

Large to very small, lots, plots, unresolved disputes, energetic confluences, unrest due to historical, known, or unknown loss of life, building, land, public facility, golf courses, large commercial buildings, challenged land holdings, land near or adjacent to government-owned establishments, burial properties, commercial buildings, businesses, trauma sites, and more...

Thought Forms, Intentions That Kill, Other Thought-Based Harm

  • Resolve All Forms of Energetic Conditions • Resolve Fields, Field Entities, Field Intentions • Field Conditions
  • Resolve All Intentions, Thought Forms
  • End Thoughts That Harm, Thoughts That Block Your Intentions
  • End Thoughts That Harm, Thoughts That Block Your Intentions

Energy & Physical Body Clearing - Miracles Program

Our Practitioners Will Work With God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, The Holy Trinity, & The Archangels of THE DIVINE REALM - WHO ARE AND WHICH IS PURE SOURCE LIGHT - on behalf of every client who partakes in this program which is aimed to permanently resolve a serious, life-threatening condition. This program is focused upon those who believe they have experienced any of the following conditions:

  • Lifelong Medical Conditions In One to Three Sessions - In Most Cases
  • Sudden Onset of Disease States - These are approached by THE DIVINE REALM in the most delicate, most perfected methods. These are "MEDICAL MIRACLE" Healings
  • Long-term and often Lifetime Disorders, Conditions, Syndromes, Spectrum Conditions are treatable, sometimes permanently with the aid of God. When this is possible, we'll support your work in very guided, very facilitated ways by working directly with God.

When WE agree to accept a client with a condition that fits this "category," WE use very stringent, very strict, and very protected guidelines. There are many HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENTS, DISCLAIMERS, AND DISCLOSURES required to become a client under this very perfected, very protected, very miraculous program.

  • Energy Healing Arts LLC cannot make any claims, guarantees, nor promises of resolve, of healing, nor of restitution of health. We offer this program because Energy Healing works.

There may be times when a condition exists that we have no idea about, or a condition within your Personal Lifetime Incarnate Plan that we are not aware of, or other kinds of "Intentions" that may come to you while you are being supported by our Practitioners, or that could come to you once you are released; because there is no way to guarantee absolute health, sovereignty, nor the outcome of any treatment, please be aware THIS PROGRAM DOES NOT GUARANTEE HEALTH, HEALING, PERMANENCE OF HEALING, PERIODS OF HEALING. NOR LONGER HEALTH THAN YOU EXPECTED PRIOR TO APPLYING TO BE A PART OF THIS PROGRAM.

  • WE offer this program because God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, The Holy Trinity, The Archangels of God - WHO are ALL of THE DIVINE REALM, WHO Are ALL PURE SOURCE LIGHT - have urged us to offer this program. Only THEY can provide this kind of medical miracle. THEREFORE, THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO PROMISES, NO GUARANTEES, NO HINTS AT THOUGHTS OR NON-THOUGHTS THAT YOUR HEALTH MAY IMPROVE, MAY BECOME LESS STRESSFUL, OR THAT THERE IS EVEN A POSSIBILITY OF IMPROVEMENT.

COVID, ALL COVID-ic-ish Energetic Healing

  • Intuitive Medical Medium & Energetic Conditions Healer - Specializing in Resolving Covidic Intentions, Covidic Pain, Conditions Known & Not Yet Known
  • Residual Long-Covid-ic Conditions, Symptoms, Hate, Harm - which are symptomatic conditions post viral, bacterial, organ-related conditions - some are latent, some are manifesting with symptoms that are non-conforming to known conditions
  • Resolving Bodily Pain, Chronic Conditions, Phantom Conditions, Phantom Pain, Phantom Disorders
  • Covid leaves energetic conditions behind, whether in your Energy Body, Energy Field, or your Physical Body; these can emerge conditionally, suddenly, triggered by the intentions of others
  • Miracles • Manifestation Sessions • Health, Wealth, Lifetime Conditions, Restore What Has Been Lost, Taken, or Unretrievable