This Prayerful Intention was inspired during my personal encounter with COVID.

For me, it was the worst case of any kind of infection I have ever encountered. Ending it meant understanding how I, personally, contracted it.

As my condition worsened, I asked GOD to guide me in a prayer that would end this, end what I could tell was harming many areas of my body.

It has been some time since I prayed this prayer the first time.

While praying this prayer, I was also guided to ask God to pray for me.

Prior to saying this Prayerful Intention, please intend the following first:

Ask GOD to implement this for your today, for all eternal past, present, and future.

This will clear what has already conveyed, It will clear what is present. It will end the continual conveyance of anything other than DIVINE LOVE.

Ask that this will END all energetic conditions eternally, for you, your household, your CENTRIC and ORIGIN Families, and your Expanded, Expanded-Families.

Prayer of Protection

This is The End of That Which Harms, Ends, and Conveys What Harms

My Energy Body, which is my Energy Field is fully and forever protected. It is fully held by God. As God holds me, every aspect and essence of me and all that represents my Life, nothing is “unheld.” This means that God is restoring all that is me, all that is my Life to The Creator’s Intention, to my Divinely Created Vibration, to my Divinely Created Plan. This means that God is restoring me in every way.

As You hold me, God, please intend that I am forever restored to Your Intention.

Please intend that when I come into contact with any other, whether a person, a place, an inanimate, or animate, whether incarnate, or other, that nothing may connect, convey, or enter my Energy Body. Absolutely nothing may convey, project, or influence and nothing will bring unwelcome energetic conditions to me, to my family, nor to our lives in any way.

Please resolve, restore, restitute, heal, and clear each according to YOUR PERFECT INTENTION for each, personally.

Please convey YOUR DIVINE LOVE to each.

Please hold this prayerful intention on behalf of each and all who are affected by this intention.

Please restore our health, safety, and our Best Life.

Please affect this Prayerful Intention as though nothing unwell or unwelcome has ever affected me, my family, or my expanded expanded-family.

Thank you, God.