Energy Healing Arts LLC
Welcome to Energy Healing Arts LLC.
We are a full-spectrum, global energy healing practice.
We have been providing Energy Healing Services to our clients for 30 years.
Our Founder, Sheri Taber, has been practicing intuitive medical healing, energy healing, and has been practicing in nearly every area of need since 1992.
Each of our Professional Practitioners work solely with The Divine Realm. In addition to their trainings, certifications, and practical experience, Energy Healting Arts LLC’s Practitioners have been trained in Energy Healing LLC’s proprietary practices, theory, and protocols. Each of our Professional Practitioners work with clients whose needs are within their fields of expertise.
Energy Healing Arts LLC offers Energy Healing Services, Sessions, Programs, Workshops, Downloadable Healing Frequencies, Vibrations, & Vibrational-Frequencies, Podcasts, Blog Posts about trending conditions, and many other Products that are specifically designed for very specific healing, restorations, resolutions, restitutions, and manifestations.

Our Practitioners:
Each has various kinds of practical experience, professional training in various medical, health, and energy healing modalities.
Each are certified in Energy Healing Arts LLC’s proprietary Energy Body Healing, Physical Body Restoration, Physical Body Resolution, and are experiential experts in their fields of practice.
- Medical Intuitives
- Physical & Energy Body Healers
- Energy Resolutionists:
- Curse, Spell, Spell-Like, Bindings, Others
- Divine Guidance, Information & Mentoring
We Provide:
- Training
- Podcasts
- Divine Resonance Programs
- Download Healing Programs
- Other Non-Traditional Methods of Immediate Healing
How We Work
As a full-spectrum, holistic Energy Healing Practice, Energy Healing Arts LLC'S Practitioners are focused on resolving what needs to be resolved, ending that which is in need of ending, and restoring, restituting, and manifesting all that THE DIVINE knows is needed to affect a path toward your Best Life, Prime Health, and 100% Life Safety.
Our Practitioners are healers, each are passionate about their work, each intending to understand the details that are required to resolve what isn't in their clients' best interests.
Our work is often about communicating THE DIVINE'S intention, DIVINE guidance, AND DIVINE messages to you.
Oftentimes, these messages were intended by you, prior to incarnating into this Lifetime. When they are, THE DIVINE will communicate them to your Practitioner and they will share them with you.
When you incarnated into this Lifetime, THE DIVINE made many PROMISES...

Traditional & Speciality Services
Our DIVINE DOWNLOAD INTENTION-BASED PROGRAMS, our DIVINE RESONANCE PROGRAMS, & our many other Non-Traditional OFFERINGS provide immediate resolves to your needs.
We offer these as an option to a Traditional Session, which in most cases is more costly, more time-consuming, and not as efficient as these PROGRAMS.
If you have been experiencing entity conditions, curses, spells, spell-bound conditions, or if you observe, sense, or know that you have been experiencing phenomenon in your spaces, home, auto, or body, you may need a combination of Traditional Services and our Specialty PROGRAMS.
These are able to resolve every condition or need that you, your business, or your large or small business, land or land mass, water or body of water, State, Country, Continent, or Coastal Shoreline may require.
Often this kind of work is required in places where mass casualties, mass trauma, or human-loss occurred.
Celebrity, High Profile, Public Facing People
Do you have a public-facing life, career, or practice?
If you do, you understand how others' intentions, thoughts, and perceptions can cause "endings" that you did not intend, problems that you should have never experienced, and often though-based intentions with enough power to end a career, a lucrative contract, or a long-term opportunity.
Being a celebrity, a public persona, or a politician can result in health conditions you never associated with your audience, manager, producer, band, former lover, an unhappy viewer,
- Celebrity Services For High Profile Persons
- Estates & Estate Protection Services
- estates, financial conditions, wealth-related conditions, inheritance intentions
- Life & Health Enhancement Services & Programs
- Divine Restoration Of Your Youth Programs
- Divine Sustaining & Maintenance Of Your Youth Programs

Healing of Medical Conditions, Illness, Disease
Our Divine Resonance Healing Programs, Divine Healing Services, and Divine Healing Subscriptions can resolve undiagnosed medical conditions, Long-Term Covid, Energetic Covid Conditions, RSV, Flu, and other Disease States, Illnesses, and Health Conditions.
Healing may include the:
- Medical Conditions – Divine Healing, Divine Understanding, Divine Guidance
- Physical & Energy Body Healing
- Curses, Spells, Spell-Like, Bindings, Other Forms of Metaphysical Resolutions
- Forever Healing Of Your Physical Body
- Eternal Restoration Of Long-Term Covidic Energetic Conditions
- Resolution of Long-term Covid, other kinds of Covid
- Resolution of Entity & Energetic Covid
- Healing of RSV, FLU, Other Infections, Infectious Condtions & Diseases and that Which Causes Them
Long & Short Term Healing Programs
Divine Restitutions & Manifestations Of:
- Your Life Purpose &
- Bringing In The Opportunities To Fulfill It
- Emotional Outlook
- Joy & Love
- Happiness & Pleasure
- Expand Circles Of Influence

Healing of Land, Water, Places
We have resolved energetic personal and commercial conditions and public domain properties. This includes your residential lot, the greater environmental and community-wide and/or country-wide conditions that may be part of the source of the energetic condition.
- Large Organizations
- Communities, Land, Farm, State & Continent-Wide Land Masses
- Mass Bodies Of Ocean, Sea, Gulf, & Great Lakes Healings
- River, Standing, Pond, Harmed & Black Water & Ley Lines
- Public Services & Utilities
- Electrical Resolution & Restorations
- Building Healings
- Long-Standing Conditions Cleared Quickly
- Ancestral Lineages & Familial Restitutions
- Resolution - Restoration - Restitution - Manifestation Of Covidic Entity & Post Infectious Health Conditions
Other Services
- All Divine Guidance, Information & Mentoring
- Practitioner Training Program
- Video Workshops – Divine Teaching for Home Healing
- Podcasts – Divine Healing, Divine Teaching of Protocols for Specific Healing
- Subscription Programs – Sovereignty, Ancestral Healing, Long-Term Healing

Energy Healing Arts LLC
Welcome to Energy Healing Arts LLC.
We are a full-spectrum, global energy healing practice.
We have been providing Energy Healing Services to our clients for 30 years.
Our Founder, Sheri Taber, has been practicing intuitive medical healing, energy healing, and has been practicing in nearly every area of need since 1992.
Each of our Professional Practitioners work solely with The Divine Realm. In addition to their trainings, certifications, and practical experience, Energy Healting Arts LLC’s Practitioners have been trained in Energy Healing LLC’s proprietary practices, theory, and protocols. Each of our Professional Practitioners work with clients whose needs are within their fields of expertise.
Energy Healing Arts LLC offers Energy Healing Services, Sessions, Programs, Workshops, Downloadable Healing Frequencies, Vibrations, & Vibrational-Frequencies, Podcasts, Blog Posts about trending conditions, and many other Products that are specifically designed for very specific healing, restorations, resolutions, restitutions, and manifestations.
What We Do
Energy Healing Arts LLC works on behalf of people, pets and animals, personal possessions, estates, financial conditions, wealth-related conditions, inheritance intentions, settlements, and distribution resolutions. We address energetic conditions related to all personal, commercial, and public domain properties. This includes your residential lot, expanding to the greater environmental and community-wide and/or country-wide conditions that may be part of the source of the energetic condition.
These are rarely addressed in a holistic way that brings peace, love, beauty, and restoration to every “thing” involved.
We work with THE DIVINE REALM WHO ARE PURE SOURCE LIGHT and THEY can resolve, restore, heal, clear, restitute, and manifest anything as long as it is in accordance and alignment with your DIVINELY CREATED PERSONAL LIFETIME INCARNATE PLAN.
Your Personal Plan (PLAN) outlines how your Lifetime will be, in this Lifetime.
THE DIVINE REALM works with every aspect of the present issues to forever resolve that which needs to be resolved. Once the Resolution and Restoration Phases of the work have been fully completed, the Restitution Phases begin to restore health, vitality, and peace, love, beauty, joy, and everyone and everything involved can be restored to its DIVINE INTENTION.
Our work has involved continental conditions, which often includes countrywide conditions, which will nearly always involve mass bodies of water – including shoreline, lakes, seas, oceans, gulfs, and rivers. Effects upon local and regional people, animals, farms, food production, nature, and quality of living become a must-resolve condition when one person’s land, home, or family are being affected by these ongoing conditions.
In areas of war, land trauma, mass human trauma, poverty, destruction, loss of life, or energetic conditions move in because of the resonance with the Primary Intention.
This Primary Intention may have occurred prior to an historical event, prior to the founding of a new country, prior to the understanding of one leader’s intention to bring commercial opportunities to a country so that they could build a self-stabilized economy.
How One Single Intention Can Cause Massive Energetic Conditions
A “single intention” is how “one or more conditions” are created.
That “single intention” attracts massive amounts of resonant energetic conditions, entities, intention-setting entities, and intention-fulfilling entities.
These entities can draw from any realm, any time, or any place within Creation. When this begins to occur, a mass affect begins to occur.
Over time, this mass affect begins to effect communities, countries, and global economies.
Our work is important to the sustainability of sovereignty.
Why Your Sovereignty Matters
Sovereignty of the Land is a global necessity. When your lot, your neighborhood, or your community is not sovereign, your life is significantly affected.
If Sovereignty does not exist on your lot, your land, your home, then you are not sovereign.
When your neighborhood suffers, your household suffers.
When your household suffers, they begin to fail to thrive.
When your household fails to thrive, your neighbors begin to fail to thrive.
This is the nature of our relationship to one another.
For you to be well, each who are in any way connected, disconnected, and each who are unwell in any way, must be healed.
Our Global World is connected, more so than at any other time in history.
How Energy Resonates
These are the unfortunate manifestations of energetic conditions of resonance.
Resonance is that which is vibrationally similar to another vibration.
Energy is magnetized resonantly. Resonance draws its own resonance to it.
Sovereignty attracts more sovereignty.
If one is not sovereign, there are energetic conditions violating their life, their home, their household, and all that is connected to and with it.
This places your Life, your Health, and your Safety at risk.
This places your personal assets, your home, and your family at risk.
Our environment is incredibly energetically congested.
Your Sovereignty is important to everyone who is connected to you.
We are working to provide Blog Posts to help you understand the symptoms of insovereignty.
We hope to have these published in the very near future.
If you are in need of healing, please CHAT WITH US HERE.
We have provided an overview of the kinds of Services, Support, and Protective Conditions Energy Healing Arts LLC offers.
Please click on any of the "Topics" below to learn more about each area of service:
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