February 17, 2023
March 4, 2023How To Resolve Infections,
Flu, and Disease - Early
This 5 Part Series Workshop focuses on resolving incoming, latent, present, any space, including “at home” energetic conditions before they can become an infection, the flu, RSV, COVID, or other “dis-ease." This video is conversational… within the conversational teaching are many important healing techniques, tips, and protocols.
How to Resolve Infection, Flu, and Disease - Early
This 5 Part Series Workshop focuses on resolving incoming, latent, present, any space, including “at home” energetic conditions before they can become an infection, the flu, RSV, COVID, or other “dis-ease."
This video is conversational… within the conversational teaching are many important healing techniques, tips, and protocols.
If you would like to practice these and resolve conditions that may bring influenza, covidic-infection, or other dis-ease fields of intention, please consider taking notes.
Use your notes as a daily hygiene protocol. This will support you in resolving unwell conditions before they can become a full-blown infection.
Your personal notes have the potential to support you in these three ways:
1. Easy recall for daily sovereignty protocols
2. Create awareness so that your “Wholeself” remembers how to end conditions before they can evolve into an infectious state
3. Help you to develop questions you may want DIVINE INSIGHT into The first 3 videos are very much didactic, experiential, and offer step by step guidance to resolving energetic conditions that bring in infection, flu, covidic conditions, and other dis-ease states.
The 4th video offers experiential healing in the most transparent and step by step process as an energetic condition from the greater community enters my practice space.
This energetic condition intended to attract fields of intention, which resonate with a specific disease state.
As I become aware of its presence, I share with you how to recognize when an energetic condition enters your field.
This very transparent experience will help you understand how to resolve unwell energy - by DIVINE INTENTION.
The 5th video addresses what happens when multiple energetic conditions enter your energy body.
Understanding what this looks like, feels like, and how to resolve it is crucial to your wellness.
The 5th video also introduces you to understanding what occurs when one has encountered shock, trauma, or other unwell personal conditions that become "stuck" within the Energy Body, the Personal Body, the chakra system, Etheric Template, and other places within the body.
Understanding how "stuck" and unresolved energetic conditions can become resonant with outside resonant illness-level vibrations, frequencies, and vibrational-frequencies will help you understand the importance of resolving all trauma, all old health-conditions, all old resonances, energetic frequencies, vibrations, and vibrational-frequencies of any kind.
There may be a need to work with an Energy Healer to address everything.
There are many points throughout this 5 Part Workshop Series that may yield important personal information about your personal life.
Understanding why you may have been experiencing ongoing energetic conditions can resolve fear, a sense of defeat, and provide you with confidence that you are being fully supported in every area of your life.
Each of the 5 videos helps your Brain, Planes, Fields, Spaces, and Hidden Spaces know, recognize, and resolve energetic conditions that are with your Energy & Physical Body.
As your brain, your intelligence fields, brilliance fields, and genius spaces become cognizantly and cognitively aware of the information presented in these 5 videos, healing begins and continues as your “Wholeself" begins to remember how to resolve energetic conditions.
While you are watching the videos, please spend as much time as you need to write, to review, to cognitively and consciously think about being healed, being sovereign, and being in your best health.
As you do, many energetic conditions will begin to clear.
If I can support you on your pathway to Prime Health and your Best Life, please reach out to us.
Sherí Taber
Energy Healing Arts LLC Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive, Mentor, Teacher