March 23, 2023
April 11, 2023VIDEO SERIES
Why Does Energy Come To Me?
This ongoing video, audio, and interactive Sovereignty Workshop Series will help you better understand how various kinds of energetic conditions, entities, or other kinds of phenomena may be able to come to you, or be with you, your home, your family, or in the spaces and places you visit.
Each person has specific personal conditions that cause them to personally experience energetic conditions. These may be a familial condition, an ancestral condition, or an experience you intended to have - prior to deciding to come into this lifetime.
This audio and video series offers:
- Protocols for Safe & Effective Energetic Resolutions experiential healing
- Guided healing intentions with full explanations
- Contextual explanations and guidance through each healing opportunity
This is an ongoing complimentary workshop. We are continuously adding new video tutorials, new tips, access to other healing PROGRAMS, and guidance to continue healing yourself, your family, and your household.
If you feel a specific video could have offered a suggestion, information, or a deeper understanding of the topics covered in it, please use the Contact Form provided below it to share your suggestion.
Thank you,
Video 1
- The Primary ways in which energetic conditions come to you, your family, your home, and your most frequented spaces
- The Protocol you must first establish so that you can fully, forever, effectively, end these conditions
- How to know when to ask for help
- Provides many guided healings throughout this video/audio Workshop Session
*** Experiencing VIDEO OR AUDIO 1, 2, & 3 sequentially prior to experiencing other Audios or Videos is very strongly recommended ***
VIDEO 1 of this Episode explains how energetic conditions can come to a person who is regularly being supported by various DIVINE INTENTIONS, DIVINE ACTION, DIVINE DECISIONS, DIVINE HEALING, DIVINE CLEARING, & DIVINE RESOLUTIONS.
When a person is receiving sufficient Energy Healing, Clearing, and Resolutions and they continue to encounter energetic conditions, they likely intended to come into this Lifetime to learn about the kind of energetic conditions that the global collection was experiencing.
Every incarnate, both animate and inanimate, came into their Lifetime with a DIVINELY CREATED PERSONAL LIFETIME INCARNATE PLAN (PLAN). This PLAN provides a roadmap, a guideline, and DIVINE PROVISIONS, DIVINE PROTECTIONS, DIVINE PROMISES, DIVINE PURPOSES, and much more. Each person and every incarnate animate or inanimate being worked with THE DIVINE prior to their decision to incarnate.
You, have a DIVINELY CREATED PERSONAL LIFETIME PLAN. Your DIVINE PURPOSE, which you decided upon prior to coming into this Lifetime, likely includes encountering certain "other realm" energetic conditions. If it does, you, personally, have a DIVINE PURPOSE that includes understanding these kinds of energetic conditions.
When you become a client of Energy Healing Arts LLC, THE DIVINE recommends very specific PROGRAMS, SERVICES, and other kinds of healing offerings to support you through the DIVINE PHASES of various aspects of your DIVINE PURPOSE.
If your DIVINE PURPOSE intended that you encounter energetic conditions, the PROGRAMS and OFFERINGS that THE DIVINE RECOMMENDS will support you so that throughout your DIVINE EXPERIENTIAL PHASES you are held by THE DIVINE, THE DIVINE REALM, and YOUR ARCHANGEL GUARDIANS so that you safely experience your DIVINE INTENTIONS.
If you are not a client of Energy Healing Arts LLC, you will be able to understand why you may be experiencing energetic conditions. If you have worked with other Practices, Practitioners, or have attempted to resolve Intentions, Curses, Spells, Spell-Bound Curses, or other Metaphysical Practice Phenomena, you may have experienced an increase in energetic conditions.
There are reasons for this.
Do you have questions directly related to the topic of this video?
Video 2
- How Does Your DIVINELY CREATED Lifetime Incarnate Plan Affect Your Personal Lifetime Sovereignty?
- How Others' Intentions & Your Sovereignty
- How Others' Sovereignty or Insovereignty May Affect Yours
- How Covidic Energetic Conditions May Be Affecting Your Life, Home, and Spaces
- Provides many guided healings throughout this video/audio Workshop Session
*** Experiencing VIDEO OR AUDIO 1, 2, & 3 sequentially prior to experiencing other Audios or Videos is very strongly recommended ***
VIDEO 2 covers each of these topics and more.
This workshop session is both instructional and healing. Many intentions are shared that will support the resolution of that which is violating your sovereignty.
Sherí offers many approaches to resolving your insovereignty while sharing information that will help you understand the energetic conditions affecting your local and global environments.
Video 3
- Develops an understanding of the most common energetic conditions that may come to a person, their home, their household, and often their Expanded Expanded-Family
- Introduces the little-known fact that every Incarnate Person, Incarnate Animate, and Inanimate has a DIVINELY CREATED PLAN for each Lifetime they are in
- Introduces how your DIVINELY CREATED Personal Incarnate Lifetime Plan may influence and affect your experiences with energetic conditions in this Lifetime
- How your Pre-Incarnate (while you were a DIVINE ENLIGHTENED ENERGY) INTENTIONS may also influence how and when you experience energetic conditions, Entities, and other kinds of paranormal encounters
- How to clear energetic conditions that are not provisioned by your DIVINELY CREATED PERSONAL LIFETIME PLAN
- Provides many guided healings throughout this video/audio Workshop Session
*** Experiencing VIDEO OR AUDIO 1, 2, & 3 sequentially prior to experiencing other Audios or Videos is very strongly recommended ***
VIDEO 3 offers additional insight about how and why energy comes to different people.
Sherí offers a very detailed explanation for why everyone must make SOVEREIGNTY HYGIENE a daily practice.
This video will help you better understand what you may be encountering throughout your daily life, how to resolve some of these conditions yourself, and what to do to keep energetic conditions from layering within your Energy and Physical Body.
If you currently work with an Energy Healer or perhaps you have an ongoing Sovereignty Program ⎯ you may mistakenly believe you do not need to practice a personal sovereignty protocol throughout your day - every day.
You will definitely want to watch or listen to this healing, clearing, and instructional video.
Every video offers instruction that can help you resolve conditions you came to the workshop with.
THE DIVINE heals as you listen, as you intend to be healed.
Join us in becoming sovereign, in creating your Best Life, and creating a path toward your 100% Prime Health and Life Safety.
Video 4
- Introduces other very common affects of incarnating and being born into a very old ancestral lineage
- Why your very old ancestral lineage can become overshadowed by malicious energetic conditions
- How your life may be affected by these kinds of energetic conditions, Entities, entities, In-tities, in-tities, Int-ities, int-ities, and other kinds of Spirit-Realm energetic conditions
- Who are you? Your Source Incarnating Divine Energies may be able to affect healing throughout your Lifetime
- Provides many guided healings throughout this video/audio Workshop Session
*** Experiencing VIDEO OR AUDIO 1, 2, & 3 sequentially prior to experiencing other Audios or Videos is very strongly recommended ***
VIDEO 4 offers additional insight into how your conception brings you into a landscape of variable conditions.
Is your maternal ancestral tree a 500 year-0ld Grandfather Oak?
Is your paternal ancestral tree as old as the ages?
If so, your Source Incarnating Divine Energies may have intended to heal hundreds of thousands of people, including those of prior generations.
In addition, your Lifetime may be overshadowed by the various intentions of Entities or Entity Intentions of prior Lifetimes, including this one.
Is this for real?
Yes, it is.
Join us in this very straightforward introduction to "Why Energy Comes to You."
This Video is very revealing. Integrating this information occurs when Workshop Sessions 1, 2, and 3 have been experienced in sequential order.
If you have not yet experienced Workshop Sessions 1, 2, and 3, please enjoy these before beginning this Fourth Workshop.
When you watch this Workshop Session, you may want to consider wearing earbuds.
Others may not understand the context of the information that is presented in this Workshop Segment.
If you have contextual questions and would like to have them answered, please use the Contact Us Form to submit them.
We may not be able to respond via email, though, we will create WORKSHOP SERIES that will answer your questions.
Video 5
- Introduces more about what how DIVINELY CREATED Personal Lifetime Incarnate Plan may affect your sovereignty throughout different phases of your Lifetime
- Shares more about who you are prior to incarnation, how your DIVINE Light may have been needed in this Lifetime
- Explores ways in which you may have intended to make a profound impact that could potentially change the world for those who come after you
- Takes a look at how you may have considered your upcoming Lifetime and why you may have intended to encounter certain conditions so that you could experience events that enlightened your understanding of the nature of what would become more harmful without your intention, invention, healing capacities, or teachings -
- Introduces how COVID, covidic entities of every kind, and other kinds of energetic conditions can remain long after the infectious affect of COVID is resolved
- Understand how Long-Term Covid can continue to "call in" other forms of disease, energetic conditions, and Fields of Harm, Intention, Illness, and many other unwelcome energetic conditions
- Provides many guided healings throughout this video/audio Workshop Session
*** Experiencing VIDEO OR AUDIO 1, 2, & 3 sequentially prior to experiencing other Audios or Videos is very strongly recommended ***
VIDEO 5 offers more information as it relates to your personal Lifetime Intentions, Promises, Protections, Potentiations, Purposes, and more.
This Sovereignty Series Workshop Segment is devoted to helping you bring this information together so that it has the potential to enlighten you, to support you in having a better understanding of your life, of why you matter, and of why your Lifetime has been affected by energetic conditions.
You came into this Lifetime for very specific reasons and fulfilling your DIVINE PURPOSE inspired you enough to leave the DIVINE HEAVENLY REALMS to make that long-term impact upon the world.
Please let me know if you have questions that you feel need to be included in this Sovereignty Workshop Series.
Video 6
- This video or audio introduces yet more very common ways in which you, your home, your family, and your household may be affected by energetic conditions
- How what you watch, read, listen to, or bring into your home affects the sovereignty of not only your entire household and Expanded Expanded-Family, but even your neighbors
- Explains the kinds of energetic "entities" and other kinds of conditions that may be attracted, resonant, and affecting your life, your sleep, and your capacities to thrive
- Provides many guided healings throughout this video/audio Workshop Session
*** Experiencing VIDEO OR AUDIO 1, 2, & 3 sequentially prior to experiencing other Audios or Videos is very strongly recommended ***
VIDEO 6 introduces several additional reasons why you, your home, your family, and your household may be experiencing energetic conditions.
If you, your family members, household members, and even those who live around you may be contributing to the intrusive kinds of energetic conditions that are very present in our current global energetic pandemic.
What you watch on television, cable, stream, search via Internet, and what comes through your router, modem, any and all devices, your tablets, all digital reading devices like your "Nook or Kindle," including any WiFi signals, Bluetooth, and that which wirelessly or in a cabled way connects to anything.
Your favorite television shows will bring in energetically resonant Entities, In-tities, Int-ities, entities, in-tities, int-ities, E-Level, H-Level, and other kinds of dangerous, harmful, and mal-intending Fields of Intention, Fields of Harm, and Fields of Endings that are intended to bring "Ends" to that which should not be ending.
Learn how to END THIS in this very fascinating and very healing video or audio.
Thank you for returning regularly. We will be updating this Sovereignty Workshop Series - "Why Is Energy Coming to Me?" for the foreseeable future.